Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday roadtrip

I taught i wanna have some rest in this lovely sunday. but i guess i cant. Mama kejut kol 10. damn aku tdo subuh td kot. Mama told me shes going back to Kg. I guess i havent been there quite a time. So aku nie on la FB, hahhahasempat g sebelom mandi. check2 sikit dan teros mandi. Roadtrip kali nie agak ok. slow n steady sbb bawak parents aku. tp aku belasah gak avanza bapak aku sampai bapak aku dok marah2 pasal speed limit. I was picking up my sis from his college. Last paper till 5pm but I arrive at 1230. hahahah mama xsabar nk jumpe anak kesayangan die, aku lepak chill lunch di kfc alor gajah sebelom balik kg. masuk2 rumah pusaka damn ketenangan. aku teros masuk umh auntie aku dan layan baring2. Kebetulan selapas 2 hujan. Damn its tranqulity. I had a quick nap and mama woke up and said she made a hot tea for us and toast with a homemad kaya. My aunty made it for us. Damn it was nice. After 5pm, went to uitm lendu to pick my sis and we head home. but otw aku tanya mama, xsinggah umh mak teh? she just did her kemo, for her cancer. so kitaorg decide singgah umh mak teh. Sampai2 dah magrib. Mama n papa singgah solat. Kesian mak teh, semua rambut gugur, dah lemah. sakit2 sendi katanya. haih......kami lepak kejap je. dah malam. Tiba2 atas highway boleh lak jam. and our fuel is running low. Damn kena singgah nilai cari petrol pump. Then we went striaght home. Its a bit tiring but we had blast. Ive been so busy and didnt have the time to talk and minggle with em. and I got a good news also. Mama approved! hahahhahahah Hoyeh!!!!!!!!! Im happy. Hopefully my wish will be granted!


  1. hehehe..
    i was picking up my sis from her college..
    you've miss that..

  2. hahahahha sorry ....updated on 3am. ZzZzZzZZzzzZ
